Empowering Every Woman
Widowed, divorced, or unmarried women in rural Indian villages face discrimination, isolation and poverty. This impacts their mental and physical health, participation in community life, and ability to earn an income. Widows face additional negative social stigma as they are considered bad luck. Assisi Aid Projects is committed to ensuring that these women and their children thrive.
The project supports over 2000 single women in rural villages of Tamil Nadu. Thanks to our implementing partner in India, Integrated Development Trust, participants have a space to come together, share their stories, and form supportive relationships across more than 100 Single Women’s Groups.The groups meet monthly for practical training in:
- Learning skills to generate an income, such as financial management, tailoring and farming;
- Applying for interest free rolling loans through the program to start small businesses;
- Education on legal rights and access to free legal aid.
Single women are assisted to access government support schemes including widow’s pensions and disability pensions. Through the program, many women learn to sign their name which is required on government forms.
The Single Women’s Groups came together to form the Federation of Women’s Groups in 2018, a state-wide network across Tamil Nadu. The Federation of Women’s Groups is independent and advocates for the rights of women. Members participate in training sessions on gender rights, create petitions, and establish people’s banks. This has resulted in an increase in the number of women with the knowledge and skills to create positive change in their communities.
“Being a member of the Women’s Groups has given us bonding, purpose in life and provided access to financial help from our own Women’s Groups and Peoples’ Bank organised by the project… Our self-esteem has been enhanced, self-respect increased and social acceptance is evident.”
The project takes a holistic approach, creating awareness of gender equity by including men. The Village Development Committees provide the opportunity for collective action to advocate to government and to influence village improvements. The Village Development Committees provide a space for women and men to work together, and initiate discussions and take action on gender inequality and discrimination in their communities.
This project is supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).