
Download our 2023-24 Annual Report View our Annual Report or Annual Snapshot to see what has been achieved through your support during 2023-24. Jajal Wae Sustainable Agri-Tourism Read about our project with Dreamdelion Indonesia. The project directly engages with over 170 women in the Ngawi region of East Java. Advancing Women in Agroforestry Business Enterprise Our project with BPW Nepal empowers women to overcome barriers to employment and earning a sustainable income
Download our 2023-24 Annual Report View our Annual Report or Annual Snapshot to see what has been achieved through your support during 2023-24. Jajal Wae Sustainable Agri-Tourism Read about our project with Dreamdelion Indonesia. The project directly engages with over 170 women in the Ngawi region of East Java. Advancing Women in Agroforestry Business Enterprise Our project with BPW Nepal empowers women to overcome barriers to employment and earning a sustainable income

Empowering Change

A woman in rural Nepal croching down and petting a goat. Other goats in the background.

Advancing Women in Agroforestry Business Enterprise

In Jumla and Nuwakot, Nepal, gendered social norms impact women's capacity to enter and engage in the workforce. Assisi Aid Projects is committed to empowering disadvantaged rural women to become economically self-reliant entrepreneurs.

A woman in a sari sitting in front of a large pile of vegetables and a weighing scale.

Empowering Every Woman

Widowed, divorced and unmarried women in the rural villages of India face negative social stigma and discrimination. Assisi Aid Projects is committed to ensuring that these women and their children thrive.

a group of women in headscarves tend to plants in a vegetable patch

Jajal Wae Sustainable Agri-Tourism

Read about Assisi Aid Projects' partnership with Dreamdelion Indonesia. This project directly engages more than 170 women participants, and indirectly benefits more than 500 community members in the Ngawi region of East Java.

Our Impact

Women have increased their income and improved their savings habits in the last 12 months
Congratulations to the 873 students who successfully qualified for the next school grade in June 2024
Women in India have received interest free business loans to start new businesses since 2012