Village Development Committees
November 2020
As part of Assisi’s commitment to challenge discriminatory gender norms, our children’s project includes 30 Village Development Committees. Many members of the Committees are parents whose children attend the Assisi Aid Projects evening study centres and other activities. Each Village Development Committees discusses gender equality and enables women to seek leadership positions.
“I am happy to be a member of the Village Development Committee. Also, glad to think that my daughter Parameswari is studying well because of this evening study centre. I go for a daily wage for lumbering and brick kiln work. I managed my family needs with that small income. But CORONA -lockdown has severely affected my livelihood and family care. I am unemployed now and unable to feed my children three times a day. Sometimes, it will be hard to feed them two times a day. I do not have enough money to buy vegetables, rice, fruits, eggs or even hair oil. It created lots of mental stress in the family. At this stressful situation, I am grateful to Integrated Development Trust and the supporters for helping us with 10kg of rice bags, dal and mask. Now my family eats three times and eat quality rice. Also I thank for the solar street light and chickens provided in previous years”. (Mr Shankar a village development committee member from Nellie Hamlet)
Over 250 parents have joined a Village Development Committees where they engage in local issues and advocate for the needs of the community. More than 150 committee members have been encouraged to attend local government committees and engage in discussions of community needs at higher levels.