COVID update from India – 10 May 2021
10 May 2021
I would like to provide a brief update on the communities supported by Assisi Aid Projects in India.
IDT Project Manager Sathiyaseelan updated us this week. He advised that it is difficult to get an accurate picture of the numbers of people with COVID in the rural hamlets and tribal villages where our projects are based as there is no COVID testing. Case numbers appear to be increasing, several deaths have been reported, including in the hospitals near the project locations which are all full. Sathiyaseelan advised that vaccines are not available in many rural villages.
Partial lockdowns are in place and it is likely that further lockdowns will occur which will result in more hardship, particularly for the women and their families in these communities. Following a needs assessment, Assisi Aid Projects is providing funds for a relief distribution of food and hand washing supplies.
We are working closely with our partner in India to ensure that this distribution can happen in a way that best meets community need, protects the safety of all involved, and is delivered in a time frame that meets the project participants requirements.